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Barbara Howell, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist  CA #86611

Pregnancy and Postpartum Therapy


Becoming a parent is one of the most profoundly transformative and complex experiences we can have.  For many, these events are joyful and grounding. At the same time, pregnancy and motherhood can be tremendously stressful on our bodies, minds, and relationships.  Hormonal shifts and physical changes, feelings of isolation and loneliness, sleep deprivation and confusion, loss of identity, conflicts in our closest relationships, guilt and a sense of inadequacy. It's no wonder many women experience some degree of "baby blues"!


Sometimes, these feelings can become overwhelming, leading to more severe depression and anxiety.  Family and friends are not always able to provide the support needed, and medical providers are not generally focused on a new mom's mental and emotional state.  To make matters worse, shame, guilt, and feelings of hopelessness and exhaustion can keep us from reaching out for the help that we need and deserve.


If this describes your experience, please know that you are not alone! All pregnant women and new moms are at risk of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety.  I provide therapy to women at all stages of becoming a parent--from those who are trying to conceive to the parents of young children.  I treat a variety of symptoms from pregnancy and postpartum "blues" to birth trauma and Postpartum Anxiety and Depression.  The good news is, with therapeutic support, you can feel better.  With help, many women find that they can experience more love, compassion, and tenderness towards themselves, their babies, and their partners.

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